10 Secrets That Can Help You Become A Better Software Engineer

Waqas Shami
8 min readApr 4, 2022

Being a software engineer is a demanding and high-paying job. It requires creativity, analytical skills, and an interest in computer science.

In this article, we will discuss the 10 things you need to know about being a software engineer.

If you’ve been self-teaching programming and are curious about some of the essential things that every software developer or programmer should know,

Here are 10 Secrets that can Help you Become a Better Software Engineer.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures and Algorithms are the building blocks of any software engineer. It’s crucial to understand how they work to build effective programs.

The first step toward becoming a better software engineer is understanding the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms.

Knowing how they work can help you comprehend programming logic and make it easier to write efficient programs.

Data Structures and Algorithms are rules for organizing and manipulating data in a computer program.

Data structures are abstractions that allow programmers to model complex data relationships in the real world. Algorithms are sets of instructions…



Waqas Shami

I'm a #productivity nerd and an avid #traveler. Follow me on this new journey of balancing digital and physical worlds.