7 Ways on How To Become A Better Software Engineer

Waqas Shami
7 min readAug 16, 2022

For 30–40 seconds, close your eyes and imagine a picture of a programmer. Then open them. You may have observed a sole computer user, who appeared nerdy, spending the entire day performing calculations in front of a black screen. Whatever image you have in your head, you can’t refute the fact that software engineers are the smartest, most intelligent, and coolest individuals on the planet, even though they appear to be dull people (which they aren’t).

Technology has solved many worldwide issues. A company can eliminate thousands of employees’ efforts by just implementing software. All of these factors have an impact on how many people are motivated to pursue careers as software engineers or developers. These people enjoy helping others by coming up with answers to their problems. Despite being one of the top-paying jobs in the world, software engineering needs a lot of patience, ongoing learning, and continual improvement.

Image Source: GlassDoor

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Waqas Shami

I'm a #productivity nerd and an avid #traveler. Follow me on this new journey of balancing digital and physical worlds.